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What’s working well in your business and where can you improve?
Don’t miss out on completing the DBA 2019 Annual Survey to get the answers to your business questions – open for DBA Members to complete for the whole of May 2019.
The DBA Annual Survey remains one of the most comprehensive and accurate surveys of design business fees, salary levels and how they change each year. Since 1998 the report on the results has enabled DBA members to benchmark themselves against their peers and also to put their rates in context for clients. This year the survey is open 1 – 31 May and all members were sent a unique survey link to complete. Progress is auto-saved, and you’re able to save a copy of your responses at the end. Yes, it really is that easy!
If your business is not a DBA member, but you are interested in this sort of support please contact me to discuss further.
What’s new in 2019?
In 2019 the DBA have stripped the survey back and removed some questions that will only be included on a bi-annual basis, as results rarely differ in a two-year period. This will make completing the survey slightly quicker for everyone.
2019 also welcomes a shorter survey for smaller agencies to take part in which should make it easier for small creative businesses to benchmark their financial performance, salaries and rates – essential to managing your business.
What’s in it for you?
Only DBA member businesses are surveyed and only these businesses get access to the final results – a printed report and full access to the online dynamic data tables. All responses are treated in the utmost confidence, and members derive real benefit from the information supplied year on year.
The final on-line report features salary and utilisation rates, hourly fee rates and staff benefit levels for over 50 job titles. Results can be filtered on location, size of business and design disciple meaning that the data is particularly relevant to YOUR business.
Access to the results allows companies to benchmark figures against those of their peers. Are you charging enough? Are you not recovering enough of your time costs? Completing the survey helps develop your financial processes, having this type of information at your fingertips is essential for managing a successful profitable design business.
If you would like further information or have any questions about the annual survey, please contact me directly