Building your pipeline when there is no visibility of what the future holds: a live Q&A with Blair Enns

Join Blair Enns, CEO of Win Without Pitching and co-host of the popular 2Bobs podcast, for this free webinar to find out how you can build your pipeline using what you have available to you right now, so that you not only survive the coming months, but also thrive.

Date: 09/04/2020

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Presenting remotely with Shan Preddy | DBA Member webinar

Do you and your team always feel 100% confident when delivering remote presentations to colleagues, clients and prospects? To help, we’ve teamed up with design-sector presentation skills trainer Shan Preddy, Partner at Preddy&Co and DBA Expert, to offer a live, free, DBA members-only webinar on delivering successful presentations remotely.

Date: 07/04/2020

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Members only

Presenting remotely with Shan Preddy | DBA Member webinar

Coronavirus resource: Many design firms regularly work remotely, but COVID-19 has made it the new reality for everyone and video conferences and presentations need to be good to get results, whether on a one-to-one call or with a virtual room full of people. Shan Preddy, Partner at Preddy&Co and DBA Expert shows us how in this DBA Member webinar.

Business skills

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HR and staff wellbeing: live Q&A with JourneyHR

Many agencies are seeing the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on their human resources and staff wellbeing. The team for JourneyHR will update you on the various areas of furlough, wages, expectations, annual leave and the impact on team morale and individual wellbeing. There will also be a dedicated Q&A session following JourneyHR's presentation where you can raise any HR-related concerns you have.

Date: 03/04/2020

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DBA Member only Q&A with Moore Kingston Smith LLP

This is a dedicated DBA members only follow-up webinar where you can ask questions to the team at Moore Kingston Smith LLP where you can find out more about how to get Government funding or raise any HR-related concerns you have.

Date: 01/04/2020

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Members only

DBA Webinars: Business support for your agency’s finances, workforce and supply chains

Coronavirus resource: Webinars recorded in April 2020: As a business owner, you need to understand your options around government support and funding to stay one step ahead of these uncertain times, as we see the impact of COVID-19 unfurl on agency finances, workforces and supply chains. Esther Carder answers our burning questions in a DBA Q&A.

Business skills, Financial, HR

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Your agency’s finances, workforce, and supply chains: live Q&A with Esther Carder

Many agencies are seeing the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on their workforce, supply chains and finances. As a business owner, you need to understand your options around government support and funding to stay one step ahead and ensure a sustainable future through these challenging times. Register for this free, live Q&A webinar, with Esther Carder, Partner at Moore Kingston Smith LLP, for an update on the various areas of government support available to you.

Date: 27/03/2020

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Your business and the coronavirus

On Friday 20 March 2020, author, speaker and creative advisor David C. Baker presented a free, live Q&A webinar, helping all and anyone involved in running a design business understand the key business decisions they needed to consider as a leader. Here we list some of the noteworthy materials suggested by David to give you greater understanding of the situation at hand.




Your agency and the coronavirus: a free live Q&A with David C. Baker

The coronavirus is currently presenting a number of concerns and challenges, not least for businesses and employers wondering how it will impact the workplace. Register for this free, live Q&A webinar, presented by author, speaker and creative advisor David C. Baker on Friday 20 March, where he’ll help you understand what key business decisions you need to think about and more.

Date: 20/03/2020

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The difference the DBA makes

All DBA members use their membership slightly differently, making the most of various services depending on the nature and maturity of the business. Gain insight into how some members make use of their membership to maximum effect.

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