Influencing at board level with Ralph Ardill | Online training

Explore how to design winning arguments that influence, persuade and truly engage your senior clients at this high-impact 90-minute workshop with DBA Expert and Brand Experience Specialist, Ralph Ardill.

Date: 06/07/2021


Growing existing clients and referrals with Lucy Mann | Online training

Maximise the potential of your existing client relationships with some inspiration, confidence and tried and tested processes from DBA Expert and Director of Gunpowder Consulting Lucy Mann in this inspiring and energising 90-minute workshop.

Date: 25/05/2021


Negotiating & engaging with procurement with John Gleason | Online training

Demystify procurement’s role in the new business process at this enlightening 90-minute workshop with DBA Expert and Founder of A Better View, John Gleason. Shift your perspective and turn negotiating and engaging with procurement into an opportunity.

Date: 27/04/2021


Selling skills and the art of closing with Adam Graham | Online training

Don’t shy away from selling: embrace your role as the ‘salesperson’ and open your mind to closing at this fast-paced, practical and interactive 90-minute workshop with DBA Expert Adam Graham. Available on its own or get it as one of the five-part ‘Developing New Business and Growing Revenues’ bundle.

Date: 23/03/2021

Members only

Appraisal / Performance Review / Personal Development Template

This template is an example of how an appraisal / performance review / personal development meeting could be run. There are many other forms this type of meeting could take. Please amend as you see fit. It is designed to work as a free-flowing conversation that is led by the employee (with prompts from their manager).


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Managing your time with Jenny McConnell | Online training

Spring clean your calendar and set yourself up for optimum productivity by attending this lively two-session online workshop with Jenny McConnell.

Date: 02/03/2021


Presentation skills | Online learning | FULLY BOOKED

Presenting is an essential part of working in design. Love it or hate it, the way you communicate with your clients, prospects and team members will have almost as much impact as your content. The more you understand about how to present confidently and convincingly, the more successful you’ll be. Refresh your online and in-person presentation skills in this two-session online workshop with Shan Preddy.

Date: 30/11/2021


On the reading list: Books recommended by DBA members

Looking for a good book to get stuck into? We've been asking DBA members to share their recommendations and these titles made the reading list for this month.




On your marks, re-set, go! | Exclusive webinar for DBA members

There has never been a greater need for design business to take a long hard look in the mirror and ‘re-set’ their businesses for future growth and success. Join Ralph Ardill for this DBA member exclusive hour-long discussion, when he will draw upon his 25 years of top-level client consulting and agency leadership experience to share some timely and thought-provoking pointers on the perils and possibilities for how agencies can best ride the ‘re-set’ wave - rather than be overwhelmed by it.

Date: 04/02/2021

Members only

On your marks, re-set, go! | Exclusive webinar for DBA members

There has never been a greater need for design business to take a long hard look in the mirror and ‘re-set’ their businesses for future growth and success. Watch this DBA member exclusive hour-long discussion with Ralph Ardill, during which he drew upon his 25 years of top-level client consulting and agency leadership experience to share some timely and thought-provoking pointers on the perils and possibilities for how agencies can best ride the ‘re-set’ wave - rather than be overwhelmed by it.

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