Adam Fennelow is Head of Services at the DBA.
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Can your business ever truly be a success if you don’t understand your own personal needs and desires in relation to it? How, as a business owner, can you make work work for you on a personal level? The DBA’s Services Director, Adam Fennelow, caught up with Jack O’Hern from Wright Vigar to find out.
I recently sat down with Jack O’Hern, partner at accountancy firm Wright Vigar and an accredited DBA Expert. The starting point of our discussion was personal finances for business owners – not usually a subject we broach at the DBA with our focus on the success of ‘the business’ rather than the individuals who own it. But Jack’s message is clear: unless a business owner understands their personal needs and desires with regards to their business, then it will never truly be a success.
Although business and personal success are intertwined, business success can be judged on financial metrics, whereas for yourself a different set of metrics are needed that don’t focus so much on money, but instead focus on the quality of your life.
“A financial advisor for a business owner shouldn’t look at the business first, they should look to the person, ” says Jack. “The business should work for the person, not the other way round.”
Without truthful answers to these personal questions by all owners of the business it is difficult to successfully manage the business itself. They all impact on the financial decisions taken within the business.
In Jack’s experience, the most common reaction to these questions is a realisation that the owner’s original intentions on setting up the business, have become lost under the morass of actually running it.
That’s why you need to remember what you are trying to do – and then, more importantly, do something about it. This could mean breaking ties with an awkward client, investing in a big hire and bringing someone in to run the business operations thereby freeing up your time, or scaling back to a more manageable size so you can remain in control.
Life can impact on your work in so many ways, especially as we get older. From looking after poorly parents to putting kids through university – you need to make sure that work works for you, and that starts with financial management.
At this half-day workshop you’ll explore how you can raise your agency’s profile successfully through PR, even without a large budget.
If you need advice or professional guidance on issues such as succession planning, restructuring, new business development, financial planning and more, we can connect you with the right people.
Your situation looks complicated and maybe hopeless from the inside, but from where I sit, unencumbered by the baggage of history, emotions and relationships, it’s clear what needs to be done. These 12 steps are the map, says Blair Enns.
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