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Effective design in business | DBA webinar
How do transformative design projects begin? What is the reality of making a case for investment in design and how can design teams support those they are seeking to influence in making that decision?
From the end-to-end design of life saving apps delivering savings to the NHS. Or the transformation of the entire customer experience of high street banks. Design drives efficiencies through its integration at every level of an organisation, from customer experience to product design, brand transformation to innovative service offers – design can, and does, deliver.
Watch this open and honest conversation with two DBA Design Effectiveness Awards judges led by DBA Chief Executive, Deborah Dawton. Cheryl Calverley, CEO at Eve Sleep, and Olivia Salisbury, Group VP of Digital at T. Rowe Price shared their fascinating and unique insights on design effectiveness in their industries.
We explored what design means in business, how success is defined, measured, and isolated in complex environments and how design teams can support and influence clients and stakeholders as they incorporate design in the mix and use it as one of the key drivers for change. How do you tailor your approach to different industries, speak their language and demonstrate the impact your design can have?
Watch the full recording here.
Be a winner
The call for entries for the 2022 DBA Design Effectiveness Awards is now underway and the entry deadline is 5 November 2021. To download your entry pack and find out more, head here.
Image credit:
Faris Mohammed | Unsplash