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Design effectiveness uncovered | DBA webinar
The wide ranging impact design can have in business, society and on people’s lives is evidenced by the DBA Design Effectiveness Awards winners year after year. We have a wealth of evidence to prove that when design is a fundamental and integral part of the mix, the success achieved can change the trajectory for both client and agency businesses.
If you’re looking for inspiration, a deeper understanding of what design can deliver and some practical advice, watch this webinar for a closer look at some recent winners.
What are the critical building blocks for an effective design case study? How can you make the case for effective design in complex projects that span many years? What does a successful client agency relationship look like? How can you build and sustain a partnership that delivers outstanding results with design?
Chaired by DBA Design Effectiveness Awards chairman of the judges and Head of Service Design at the RCA, Clive Grinyer, we covered:
- How the strategic use of design has exponential potential to transform a business
With Jason Milne from Contagious exploring their recent wins with Port of Leith Distillery for Lind & Lime and Ian Macleod Distillers for The Glengoyne Distillery Experience. - The power of a long-standing client agency relationship – how to sustain this over time and make effective design the cornerstone of your partnership
With Dai Sanders from DCA Design exploring recent wins with Reckitt for Air Wick and 2019 Grand Prix with GlaxoSmithKline for Sensodyne Daily Care Toothbrush. - How the input of design expertise can enable design-driven growth on a huge scale for a global business
With Katarzyna Śliwa from Ergodesign with their recent win with Globe-traveller for the Voyager X campervan. - The experiential impact of design on every touchpoint of a project
With Philip Koh, Director of Strategy at Without with their 2021 Grand Prix win with Sodexo for Modern Recipe and recent win for Third Space on their rebrand.
Watch the full recording here >
Be a winner
The call for entries for the 2022 DBA Design Effectiveness Awards is now underway and the entry deadline is 5 November 2021. To download your entry pack and for more information on how the DBA can help you prepare for success, head here.