Members’ Area

From receiving expert help and guidance to benchmarking your business’ performance, the Members’ Area is a gateway to resources, services and support specifically developed for those working in the field of design.

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DBA membership extends to everyone working within your business – all members of your team can register for their own password – ensuring the whole team benefits.

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Essential guidance, templates, insight and tools to support you on all aspects of the business of design. From contracts to client opinion, legal updates to exporting support, our resources give you instant access to expert advice and tools to help solve a wide range of business challenges.

If you can’t find the information you’re after please email or call 020 7251 9229 and we’ll look to source or signpost you to guidance to match your needs. 

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DBA Design Effectiveness Awards: handy tips for a winning case study

With the DBA Design Effectiveness Awards entry deadline coming up on 5 November, here are some handy tips to strengthen your entry.

Business skills

Members only

Succession planning options: video guide

At a recent Members' Forum we explored succession planning. In the video below, DBA Expert Jack O'Hern discusses succession planning...

Financial, HR, Strategy development

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The importance of time tracking in the new workplace (and how to make it work)

Let’s be honest. Perhaps, for many, timesheets are a little mundane. But at a point when the working world as we know it has been flipped on its head, now is the time to pay a little more attention to the simple act of clocking on and off.

Business skills, Financial, HR, New business & client relations

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The 10 financial KPIs all design agencies should monitor, and how to manage them

Monitoring these financial KPIs will help you understand where your business’ numbers are today and where they should be in the future.


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Structural reviews: building your dream team

Right now, for agency leaders inertia is not an option. With so much having changed, DBA Expert Jeremy Paterson looks at how you can develop and shape your team for future success.

HR, Strategy development

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DBA Design Effectiveness Award winners – here’s how they’re chosen

How do judges determine the DBA Design Effectiveness Awards winners? In this article we explore what happens during the judging sessions and share tips on how to prepare a winning case study.

Business skills, Design effectiveness, Financial, New business & client relations

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Effective design in business | DBA webinar

How do transformative design projects begin? What is the reality of making a case for investment in design and how can design teams support those they are seeking to influence in making that decision? With Olivia Salisbury, Group VP of Digital at T. Rowe Price, and Cheryl Calverley, CEO of eve sleep. Chaired by DBA Chief Executive Deborah Dawton, watch the full recording here.

Design effectiveness

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New business not working? Here’s why…

If your new business efforts aren't delivering the results you hoped, could these be the reasons why?

New business & client relations

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Agencies working together – when teamwork gets tough

Most agencies talk enthusiastically about their ability to be collaborative. So why then, when clients want agencies to work collaboratively with others, do things suddenly get more difficult?

Advice for clients, New business & client relations

Members only

IR35 – a guide

Changes to the IR35 legislation came into force April 2021 making it harder for agencies to treat 'freelancers' like freelancers. This guide explains the reasons behind the implementation of off-payroll working rules and what they mean to design agencies.

Financial, HR

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