Members’ Area

From receiving expert help and guidance to benchmarking your business’ performance, the Members’ Area is a gateway to resources, services and support specifically developed for those working in the field of design.

Some sections are exclusively accessible to DBA members, connecting you to the extensive range of benefits your membership provides.

DBA membership extends to everyone working within your business – all members of your team can register for their own password – ensuring the whole team benefits.

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Essential guidance, templates, insight and tools to support you on all aspects of the business of design. From contracts to client opinion, legal updates to exporting support, our resources give you instant access to expert advice and tools to help solve a wide range of business challenges.

If you can’t find the information you’re after please email or call 020 7251 9229 and we’ll look to source or signpost you to guidance to match your needs. 

Members only

2022 DBA Annual Survey Report launch | DBA Member-only webinar

On 13 October, the 2022 DBA Annual Survey Report was launched, and Esther Carder, Partner at Moore Kingston Smith presented a detailed analysis of the benchmarking data and trends across key performance metrics affecting design agencies, and gave insight into how to apply these valuable findings to your business. Our flagship report analyses fees, salaries, utilisation, income, recovery rates, benefits and trends of DBA member agencies. Watch the full recording here.

Financial, HR, New business & client relations

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New business – the perennial agency challenge

For a while, this new business challenge may have been eclipsed by recruitment, but DBA Expert Lucy Mann looks at why we need to focus on it.

New business & client relations

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Succession planning options

At a recent Member's Forum we explored succession planning. DBA Expert Jack O'Hern discussed succession planning options and provided...

Financial, HR, Strategy development

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Succession planning: a guide

DBA Expert Jack O'Hern presents his definitive plan for ensuring your business thrives through leadership change. 

Business skills, Financial, HR

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Recommended reading on, and around, the subject of ‘Brand’

For those involved in the world of design and branding (in particular brand strategy) well-read DBA Member Paul Bailey put together a recommended reading list for those interested in bolstering their knowledge around the subject.
Members only

New Designers: DBA member invite and ticket offer

DBA members can book a complimentary ticket to New Designers for Wednesday 6 July 2022 and are invited to attend the ND Awards event. 

HR, Maximise membership

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Design Leadership Ignited: a way to strategic impact | DBA Webinar Recording

We were joined by former Chief Brand and Design Officer at 3M, Eric Quint. He explores the findings from his latest book, Design Leadership Ignited, in conversation with Deborah Dawton, Chief Executive at the DBA, Eric shares his unique perspective on how designers can lead the way to getting design integrated at a strategic level in business.

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Why your attitude to clients might be damaging your presentations

Could your attitude to clients be damaging your presentations? DBA Expert Shan Preddy shares her views and explores why.

Business skills, New business & client relations

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Shout about it: expand your reach and win more new business

To make the most of an award win, these ten tips will help you to expand your audiences and ultimately win more new business.

Design effectiveness, New business & client relations

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2022 What Clients Think | DBA Webinar Recording

In this eye-opening hour, Jonathan Kirk, author of the report and DBA Expert, explores how the client world has changed, examining the challenges and pressures, and digging beyond the statistics to reveal what you need to know in order to win new work and strengthen your relationships.

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