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If you can’t find the information you’re after please email or call 020 7251 9229 and we’ll look to source or signpost you to guidance to match your needs. 

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Managing the probationary period guide

This step-by-step guide offers practical guidance to managing a successful probationary process and helping you deal with more difficult issues of underperformance.


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Probationary period: Objective setting form

Handy template to help you set objectives for the induction/probationary period.


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Probationary period procedure

This sample will help you set and follow an effective probationary period procedure.


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Why have an employee handbook?

Although there is no legal requirement for an employee handbook, there are many benefits of having one. This guide outlines why it’s useful, what should be included, and an example for you to reference in developing your own.


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Code of conduct

An example code of conduct for staff, to help you set standards and create a positive working environment.


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Dignity at work policy

As an employer you have a responsibility to secure the dignity of your staff whilst at work and this policy example sets out definitions of behaviours that are unacceptable and procedures for dealing with them.


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Social media policy example

Activity on social media websites can cause issues in the workplace – this example will help you put in place a policy to either limit its use or for open access and explains how to enforce this.


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Email, internet and IT policy example

You can use this model policy to outline your business’ stance on the personal use of email and the Internet at work, whether be it a liberal stance or not.


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Absence management policy example

This example can help you set out your agency’s stance and procedures in regards to absence.


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Grievance policy and procedures

This example procedure is designed to help you encourage all employees to achieve and maintain expected standards of conduct, attendance and job performance and to encourage employees with grievances relating to their employment to seek satisfactory solutions.

HR, Legal

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