Members’ Area

From receiving expert help and guidance to benchmarking your business’ performance, the Members’ Area is a gateway to resources, services and support specifically developed for those working in the field of design.

Some sections are exclusively accessible to DBA members, connecting you to the extensive range of benefits your membership provides.

DBA membership extends to everyone working within your business – all members of your team can register for their own password – ensuring the whole team benefits.

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Essential guidance, templates, insight and tools to support you on all aspects of the business of design. From contracts to client opinion, legal updates to exporting support, our resources give you instant access to expert advice and tools to help solve a wide range of business challenges.

If you can’t find the information you’re after please email or call 020 7251 9229 and we’ll look to source or signpost you to guidance to match your needs. 

Members only

Helping staff manage stress

This guide will help you and your managers better understand stress and its symptoms, prevent stress from occurring within your team and assist you in helping employees cope with it.


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Sabbatical policy

Sabbatical leave can broaden experience, reward loyalty and maintain employee motivation. This sample will help you set out your policy in this area.


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Training and development statement

You can use this document to help set out your philosophy and the overall approach you take to investing in developing your workforce.


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Training agreement template

A template agreement for staff training.


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Why train your staff?

A guide to why you should invest in staff training and development.


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Flexi time template

This useful interactive tool can be used to record flexi time.


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Understanding employee turnover

This guide explains how to measure employee turnover to assess the effectiveness of people management in your organisation.


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Guide to engaging and retaining staff

Top tips to understanding why staff leave and what to consider in order to retain them.


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Health & Safety at work – HSE guide

If you think health and safety has to be complicated – it doesn’t. This document is adapted from HSE guidance, and provides the top line details you need for compliance, along with sign posting for more in-depth information.


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Statutory sick pay – guidance notes

A handy guide to statutory sick pay for employees.

HR, Legal

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