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From receiving expert help and guidance to benchmarking your business’ performance, the Members’ Area is a gateway to resources, services and support specifically developed for those working in the field of design.

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Essential guidance, templates, insight and tools to support you on all aspects of the business of design. From contracts to client opinion, legal updates to exporting support, our resources give you instant access to expert advice and tools to help solve a wide range of business challenges.

If you can’t find the information you’re after please email or call 020 7251 9229 and we’ll look to source or signpost you to guidance to match your needs. 

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Should designers export?

Whether times are good or bad, it’s always worth developing international business and now is a good time to be considering just that. Andrew Summers, Chairman of Design Partners, lays out the case for trading overseas.

International trade

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Exporting to the United Arab Emirates

This guide brings together advice from the Sector Lead for the Creative Industries at the British Embassy in Dubai, guidance from the Embassy of the UAE and helpful nuggets from the UKTI LinkedIn Group, to offer useful pointers for any agency looking to work in this market.

International trade

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Exporting to Brazil

This guides summarises the presentation made by UKTI's Commercial Manager in Sao Paulo, Simone Ricci to DBA members in September 2012 on how to export design services to the Brazilian market.

International trade

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Project You

DBA Expert Ralph Ardill outlines why your design agency is your next most important client in these difficult economic times.

Business skills, Strategy development

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Determine your business direction

Susan Bilton from ARK Associates provides a useful checklist for your senior team to use in establishing a clear and agreed strategy, you all believe in.

Strategy development

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Effective business reports

To be effective, business reports need to convey what you want to say as quickly and as simply as possible. Follow this guide written by DBA Expert Ian Cochrane, in association with DBA Supporter CtrlPublishing, and you won’t go far wrong.

Business skills

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Effective meetings

This guide written by Allison McSparron-Edwards in association with DBA Supporter Headrooms provides a wealth of tips on planning and running effective meetings.

Business skills

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Effective paper choice

A handy checklist for making the right paper choice, developed in association with DBA Supporter Arctic Paper UK.

Business skills

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Copywriting 101

Whether you are putting your argument across in a report, selling products on your website or writing an email to a client, copywriting will help you to be clear, concise and engaging, and these persuasive tips from DBA Supporter Stratton Craig are a great place to start.

Business skills

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Writing press releases

The DBA's media partner Packaging News, explains how you can increase the chances of your press releases getting coverage.

Business skills

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