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Design Effectiveness Awards

A helping hand with your DBA Design Effectiveness Awards entry

The case studies entered into the DBA Design Effectiveness Awards provide our industry with unrivalled evidence of the integral role design plays in transforming businesses, improving societies and enhancing people’s lives.
Whether start-up business or global organisation, technology product or public body, hospital or supermarket, enhanced service or digital innovation; if the addition of design has driven success, a win in these awards will powerfully prove the value of your work to the world. Any type of design in any industry sector can be entered, so long as you have the measured proof that design made a clear and significant contribution to the results achieved by the work. 
With the entry deadline for the 2022 DBA Design Effectiveness Awards coming up on 5 November 2021, the team at the DBA are here to help you think through your options, look at your work clearly through the lens of design effectiveness and write a winning entry. If you think your work is effective, we want to help you prove it.

The entry pack

If you’re thinking of entering the DBA Design Effectiveness Awards, the first thing you’ll need to do is thoroughly read the 2022 Entry Pack. It contains all the information you’ll need to write your entry, including clear guidance on what the judges are looking for, suggested metrics for proving design effectiveness, how to isolate and prove the impact of your work and how to structure your case.

It also details the crucial rules for entry and details all the practical steps you need to take to enter.

Read the entry pack.

Allow timehelping

Allow time to research, compile and evaluate data for your entry prior to writing, and then time to draft your case study, review it, and then tighten it up before submitting.

The DBA team is here to support you through the entry process, from thinking through what might make a good case to submit, to discussing working drafts. We run draft entry consultations until a week before the final deadline, however to encourage you to take advantage of the support we offer and begin writing your cases in good time, there are discounts available on your entry fee if you complete a draft entry consultation* before 1 or 15 October 2021.

helpingEarly entry scoping

If you’d like to chat about a case that you think might make a good entry before you embark on writing it up, or you would like to talk more generally about which of your projects to enter, you can book a meeting or call with one of the DBA team.

Scoping meetings are free for DBA members, £125+VAT for non-members.



*Draft entry consultations

If you’d like to talk about your entry in detail and have a draft reviewed, you can book a 30-minute consultation with one of the team. Consultations can be booked once you pay for your entry online.

A consultation with one of the team can help with the following elements of your entry:

  • Ensuring your project is suitable.
  • Ensuring your entry is on the right track and that you have structured the case well.
  • Flagging any areas that are missing or weak and ensuring that you have given enough attention to all the required areas.
  • Suggestions around contextual information, how to measure results and other influencing factors to explore. (Please note that we will not be able to do more than provide helpful tips, suggestions and where possible, examples. The onus is on the entrant to have already ensured that they have the most relevant and convincing evidence in their case.)
  • Answering any questions about the entry process.

What we can’t help with:

  • Feedback on previous entries.
  • How the judges might award your case / the likely outcomes of judging.

In order for us to review a draft entry, it must contain substantial information within each of the required sections as described on pages 15 and 16 of the entry pack, otherwise we will be unable to provide you with feedback and you will be unable to claim your discount.

To book a call please email and we will accommodate you on a first come first served basis.

About: DBA Design Effectiveness Awards

The DBA Design Effectiveness Awards recognise impactful, wide-ranging examples of design that have had a tangible and measurable impact upon business success.

Judged by business leaders and entered jointly by client and designer, the Awards draw focus onto design’s strategic and commercial value to business. They celebrate what’s possible when the best brains from design and business come together in true partnership and provide powerful evidence that design thinking combined with business acuity can bring about the right conditions for business transformation to occur.

View the Design Effectiveness Awards website for entry information.