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Jonathan Kirk

Jonathan Kirk

Up to the Light works with agencies who are hungry for growth or looking to achieve a next stage of development.

Services: Defining a real point of difference versus competitors, new business/client development strategy, pitch partnering, training, client/lost pitch interviews.

Our approach is insight-led and challenges many existing assumptions.

Areas of expertise

Business processes: Business strategy & planning
People: Staff development & training plan Coaching Mentoring Motivation Training
Marketing: New business development Marketing strategy & planning Client retention & development Brand strategy/account direction


Experience in the design industry

Design industry experience: 20 years

Former Business Development Director at Fitch, the global design group, and New Business Director at EHS Brann, one of Europe’s largest direct marketing agencies. Experienced in all aspects of agency management, and a frequent public speaker and trade press contributor.

Case studies

Defining competitive point of difference

Clients see a mass of largely undifferentiated design agencies. Our helicopter view of the design industry allows us to distinguish between generic language and real differentiators. We can help you to develop a sharper point of difference that can work much harder for you in pitches and business development. It can also help shape your internal culture and give a clearer rationale to a whole host of business decisions.

Insight led new business strategy

Most agency new business is credentials based. Put simply, it’s about the agency rather than about the client and their issues. Clients are hungry for knowledge and insight, not credentials. We help agencies to ‘package’ their experience and insight to create a more powerful new business armoury.

Pitch partnering

We conduct hundreds of interviews with clients about why agencies lose pitches. We can help ensure that your pitches do you justice by providing an external viewpoint that is experienced, rigorous and well informed about the very best techniques to help you win.

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