
A voice for design

DBA calls for HM Treasury to guarantee the future of R&D tax credits, whilst Association CEO meets the Minister for Digital & Culture’s Policy Adviser to discuss how design can help UK thrive after Brexit.

When is it right to write?

I recently received a tweet (from a professional writer) commenting on a DBA course helping agencies develop and write content marketing. The writer’s argument will be familiar to many a designer – “leave it to the professionals” – a phrase many DBA members will level at their own clients when it comes to design. However, most agencies cannot afford to employ a full time writer, so this got me thinking – when is it right to write?

Making design heard

Following the Referendum result, the DBA is working to ensure that the design industry’s voice is represented fully as the UK navigates the transition to independence from the EU.

Deep breath, then move forwards

There has been a lot written on Brexit so I was tempted to avoid the subject for this month’s blog, but it is too big an issue to ignore, so here goes…

Within the DBA membership a large majority were in favour of remaining in the EU, and in the creative industries as a whole the proportion of “remainers” was even higher. But the cards have been dealt and regardless of which side of the fence you sat, we all now have to look to the positives going forward. Fixating on the result itself will reduce the ability of the UK to negotiate the best possible result for the country. So what to do now?


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