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DBA Members’ Forum | June summary
In the latest DBA Members’ Forum we focused on business intelligence and what we refer to for insights that might then impact our own business decisions.
- Adam Fennelow, Head of Services at the DBA reminded us of the importance of harnessing the information in the DBA’s Annual Survey Report in the current context of wage inflation; it’s never been more important to understand the ratio between your charge out rates and salaries.
- The DBA’s Annual Survey is segmented by job roles between different agency sizes and different geographic locations so will help you to benchmark salaries and charge out rates. You only get access to the full report if you complete the survey and the deadline for this year is Monday 13th – the email is in your inbox – email Adam if you can’t find your link.
- One member shared a useful tool from the ONS that helped them make their decisions about salary increases in light of inflation.
- Garen Kouyoumjian, Associate Partner at McKinsey shared his top take-away from their latest report that design needs to be embedded within an organisation to create the most value, which we also explored with Eric Quint at our last webinar
- There was a discussion around why numerically more designers in a business didn’t lead to better outcomes, with one member sharing that they can’t grow their team fast enough to keep up with the demand. The report looked at a cross-section of businesses.
- Garen also shared insight into the changing profile of designers businesses are looking, with “other” experience alongside designing being increasingly important.
- Jonathan Kirk, DBA Expert and Founder of Up to the Light, discussed the stat that ‘89% of clients believe their market is moving faster than ever’ from the latest What Clients Think report.
- His top three tips to counteract this trend are; to schedule quarterly strategy meetings with your client, extract data for analysis in real time and build a stronger approach to creative briefs.
- There was a discussion around meaningful KPI’s and one member shared What Matters as a source of inspiration.
- A question to those present was what information did they think is missing from any of these reports that they’d like to see next year? Do let me know.
- John Gleason, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of A Better View Strategic Consulting brought us The Conference Board – a non-profit that can help you be smarter in the work you do.
- You can watch two webinars from 2020 to hear John explore this in more detail.
- More useful sources of business intelligence shared by members were; Sales Navigator, HBR, FT, Interbrand, The Conversation, Deloitte for sector specific reports, Edelman.
Our Members’ Forum takes place on the first Monday of each month, at 4 – 5pm. If you would like to attend, get in touch here.
Our next members forum will be taking place on Monday 4 July.