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DBA Members’ Forum | December Summary

In our December Members’ Forum, we posed the following question to an illustrious group of participants for their 90-second response.

Buckminster Fuller said “We are called to be the architects of the future, not its victims.” What are you most excited about looking to the future as someone working in design?

Here’s a summary of the conversation.

  • One contributor is hopeful and excited to be championing doing good, for people, places and planet, and is relishing working with designers. We were referred to this resource, the RSA’s the 10 c’s for further reading.
  • Another speaker reflected on their involvement with the DBA Design Effectiveness Awards and is looking forward to seeing the future impact design will have on society and people’s lives. 
  • Yet another participant is looking forward to getting comfortable being uncomfortable – there’s change in the air and that brings opportunities for design. Others contributed similar thoughts and an excitement for the opportunities ahead and the ability of design to emerge stronger. 
  • One specific opportunity for design was raised by one member, namely the ability for design to solve some policy challenges, but we need to better articulate what design can do if we’re to see designers deployed in this way.
  • Another member is excited about the explosion of creativity that will come when the design industry fully embraces DE&I.
  • AI was mentioned by a few contributors, from those who were excited about how it can impact the work we do, to another member who said “there’s nothing scarier than the unknown,” and went on to share how they’re embracing AI in a positive way in their studio. Another participant mentioned they’re looking forward to some things remaining the same, human traits for example.
  • Another speaker feels hugely hopeful about where we’re heading in designing for a better future, and another was excited as they work with designers making sustainable design a reality.
  • Another member is feeling lots of positivity in the retail sector and is excited for the future. 
  • And finally, a song to see us through the festive period. Personally speaking I’ll be relying on this!

There was much, much more covered in the hour – you really had to be there. Do make sure you join us in our next DBA Members’ Forum on Monday 15 January at 4pm GMT, look out for an email from me in a few weeks with more details. If you would like to attend, get in touch here

We’ve captured the conversation highlights from the all the Members’ Forums which have taken place in 2023 and they can all be found here.

Members’ Forums are monthly online meetings for senior leaders at DBA member businesses.


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