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DBA Members’ Forum | December summary
In the last DBA Members’ Forum of 2022 we brought together an eclectic group of contributors to give us a 90-second answer to this question:
Buckminster Fuller said “We are called to be the architects of the future, not its victims.” What are you most excited about as a designer looking to the future?
Here’s a summary of the conversation we had.
- Perhaps unsurprisingly, the theme of sustainability and sustainable development was a popular source of excitement and inspiration for those on the call – the responsibility of designers to design for a better future and fix real world problems.
- John Doerr’s book Speed & Scale was shared as a launchpad for how we can use design for good and be part of the action plan to solve the climate crisis.
- There is a need for innovators to take the lead and create the vision for a better future. Vision is our thing – imagination and inspiration are the skills designers have in abundance and I know that together, we can do it, was the galvanising view of one contributor.
- Another touted design as the powerhouse that can solve our toughest challenges, with designers not only as the architects of the future, but the architects of conscience too. The unique ability of designers to use their skills to bring people together, and to shape education and government policy, should create a better future for us all.
- One contributor shared their excitement around the paradigm shift in working practices that has given a greater level of flexibility to those who would have historically left the industry. Keeping that talent in design can only be a positive thing, leading to a more diverse and experienced workforce guiding and sharing their expertise with the next generation. If you’re keen to contribute to this discussion and the impact of flexible working in improving diversity across the board in our industry, then do let me know.
- The incoming generation of designers was a source of energy and excitement for another member. They are a group that contain future change-makers and leaders who will reset the zeitgeist and encouraged us all to do everything we can to encourage them #supportstudents – one member shared their success of increasing the number of creative GCSE applications in a local school by 300% having given them an insight into design – that’s a real world impact you can have at a local level – let me know if you want to hear more about this.
- The ability of the next generation to adopt, adapt and embrace AI and new technologies was exciting another contributor.
- There was an interesting conversation around a small cohort of people who are rejecting the idea of ‘personal branding’ – they were especially seeing this in the younger generation of students which was inspiring – leave branding to the brands and keep living to the living. This will certainly be something we’ll follow up in the next year.
Our Members’ Forum takes place on the first Monday of each month, at 4 – 5pm. If you would like to attend, get in touch here.
We’ll be taking a break in early January and be coming back online on Monday 23 January at 4pm GMT.