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DBA Members’ Forum | August Summary
In our August DBA Members’ Forum we had an energising conversation about working internationally. Here’s a summary of the conversation.
- Escaping saturation in the UK market and having an adventurous nature were two key motivations for working internationally that stood out for me on the call. It’s not an easy or quick transition, but with the right attitude, it can be transformational.
- Thoroughly understanding the brief and the specific territory is crucial for success. If you’re unfamiliar with the region, partnering with local experts can help.
- Better still, get on the plane – with the national airline for extra cultural cues – and set up a pop-up agency for a period of time to help you to understand the market better.
- Awareness of cultural sensitivities is vital. From local customs to business practices, do your research and be prepared to adapt. Even in the US, we may speak the same language, but the market is completely different.
- For some on the call, having a local presence is essential for credibility and operational efficiency. If you’re just starting out it might not be necessary – but if you’re aiming for growth, then it’s a big consideration.
- Whether you have boots on the ground or not, having someone who speaks the language is crucial, and make sure you have a local lawyer too.
- International growth can sometimes be sparked by a referral or a previous client moving into a new market. Relationships are key. One member mentioned using DBA Expert Lucy Mann to make sure they had an active plan to keep in touch with previous clients.
- Consider your regions carefully. One member suggested they’d only do work where they could take their kids. If you’re a B Corp, that might dictate certain markets or industries you can’t engage with.
- We’re in a strong position – British design is highly valued internationally – and you might find you’re paid more fairly.
- Don’t forget to PR the work you are doing, international clients are watching – we had one member highlight their success was down to this.
- The Department for Business & Trade is a good place to start for the basics – and lean into your DBA network; we’re a friendly bunch and can connect you with members experienced in the markets you’re exploring.
There was much, much more covered in the hour – I hope you find these notes helpful. Join our next meeting on Monday 2 September, 4-5pm BST, look out for an email with the details in a few weeks.
We’ve captured the conversation highlights from the all the Members’ Forums which have taken place and they can all be found here.