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DBA Members’ Forum | August summary
In the latest DBA Members’ Forum we we talked about reading and why we should prioritise this beyond just picking up a book on holiday.
- I was inspired by this article on how reading can improve your life in so many ways.
- If you’re struggling to fit it in, reading can fill in the gaps in your day, it can brighten up the commute no end.
- One member was drawn back to reading when they completed their masters. Encouraged by tutors to read around the subject to develop a unique perspective; this has stood them in good stead and now shapes the way they write and structure arguments with the audience in mind.
- It’s important to share articles with your team if you want them to think more strategically.
- To the question of where to find books, asking for recommendations on Twitter or Linkedin works for some, or looking at the bibliography of a book you’re reading for wider reading on that subject.
- We were joined by Theresa Destrebecq, Founder at Emerge Book Circles who shared how she works with organisations and leaders to delve deeper into a book. She facilitates deeper learning and as a group, they spend time integrating the ideas within their business.
- Another member shared insight into how a recommendation from a teacher to read quality fiction, broadsheets, periodicals and journals transformed their life after a late dyslexia diagnosis.
- Similar to when you start designing and you’re encouraged to surround yourself with quality creative, this dedication to reading has improved the quality and rhythm of their writing – yes there might still be spelling mistakes but the composition of the piece is much more thoughtful.
Books recommended included:
Let my people go surfing: the education of a reluctant businessman
More Bull More: behind the scenes in advertising
The Power of Co-Creation
Marketing Greatest Hits
Flexible Visual Systems
Company of One
Stanford D School reading list
Financial Times
The Economist – and top tip if you’re a digital subscriber you can have it read to you.
If you’re pushed for time, Blinkist was suggested
Our Members’ Forum takes place on the first Monday of each month, at 4 – 5pm. If you would like to attend, get in touch here.
Our next members forum will be taking place on Monday 5 September.