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David Turpin wins ACID Design & IP Champion Award 2019 on British IP Day
On British Intellectual Property Day, Anti Copying in Design (ACID) is delighted to announce that this year’s 2019 Design & IP Champion is David Turpin with the Flit ebike.
In a unanimous decision, leading design judges Sarah Weir, OBE, CEO of the Design Council, Deborah Dawton, Chief Executive of the Design Business Association, Dan Black, Creative Director of Black+Blum, Nick Kounoupias, ACID Chief Counsel decided that the Flit ebike was a worthy winner of this prestigious prize.
Deborah Dawton says “It’s rare that the combination of mechanical and technological innovation lead to a product that is also desirable in consumer eyes, and this is what makes Flit’s ebike stand out for me. They’ve set themselves up for a great, ‘protected’ future as a business.”
Flit ebike, Designer, David Turpin
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