
Design and the UK’s Industrial Strategy

The Design Business Association, All Party Design and Innovation Group and British Industrial Design Association have published their submission to the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy consultation on the Government’s Industrial Strategy.

Designers: are you working proactively?

For years, the typical prevalent behaviour of many designers towards client relationships has been ‘reactive’ and not ‘proactive’. But, working proactively can transform work-life experiences for the better, and put designers more in the driving seat.

What Clients Think report 2017

The What Clients Think report 2017 is a fascinating snapshot of the client viewpoint and provides important pointers for how agencies can strengthen their client relationships. Here, the DBA’s CEO Deborah Dawton takes a deeper look at some of the issues behind the results.

The British Design Fund

The British Design Fund is an investment fund that invests in and provides support for early stage UK product design and manufacturing companies. It seeks to invest between £25,000 and £150,000 in return for circa 15% to 30% equity.


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