
Tailored insurance for design agencies

Does one creative idea fit all? We all know the answer to this. The same principle applies to insurance. The type of protection you take out should be tailored to suit both your business and your clients. This also serves to reassure clients that you can manage unforeseen disasters effectively with insurance that is specifically designed for your respective needs.

The problem with RFPs

Quinine’s Founder Ian Johnston shares his thoughts on the limitations of RFPs and suggests an effective alternative approach for procuring creative services.

Report launch: Design within education

Timed during the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham DBA, in conjunction with All-Party Design and Innovation Group (APDIG) and Design & Technology Association, will be launching a report that sets out recommendations for how design can be embedded within our education system to equip society with the skills required to confidently face the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Transformational Twenty/Twenty

Having found the experience ‘transformational’, Andy Gray, MD of StudioLR booked himself and a colleague onto the DBA’s mentoring scheme again last year.


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