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Account manager
Level mid-level | Also known as account executives
What does an account manager do?
Account managers look after the agency’s clients. Clients pay the agency to work for them, managing projects and designing campaigns. Account managers make sure a client is happy and that they continue to work with the agency.
What’s an account manager good at?
Account managers:
– are good with people
– good communicators
– confident at presenting
Tools of the trade/required knowledge
- Knowledge of the agency’s specialty,
- Presentation skills,
- Resilience as they are held responsible for a client relationship.
Who does an account manager work with?
Account managers work directly with clients to know their needs and be attune to potential new projects as well as answer questions on current projects. Account managers also work with the designers and studio managers to coordinate their client’s work.
How do I become an account manager?
A degree in marketing, communications or business management would stand you in good stead. Experience working in customer facing roles would also be a benefit.
At school or college:
Good subjects to take in school/college: Business and Economics/Business Studies
Career tips:
The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising do some good career qualifications that can aid a career step.
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