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Making design heard

Following the Referendum result, the DBA is working closely with partner organisations to ensure that the design industry’s voice is represented fully as the UK navigates the transition to independence from the EU.

Over the coming weeks and months we will continue to ensure that commissioning design is seen as an essential part of the solution to growth out of Brexit, and that design will play an integral role in bolstering ‘brand UK’, in and amongst the role of the wider creative industries.

Members’ survey

A key starting point for this has been to survey you, our members, to garner your views on EU referendum outcomes. The survey will help us to explore both the issues and potential new opportunities that arise from the current political climate, in relation to your business needs and the continuing prosperity of the industry.

Members completed the survey earlier this week and we are currently reviewing and analyzing the responses. The results will not only crystalise the priorities for the DBA in best supporting and representing you going forwards, but will also be fed back into broader surveys determining the views of the wider creative and cultural industries.

DBA and Creative Industries Federation

The DBA’s membership of the Creative Industries Federation (CIF) places the design industry shoulder to shoulder with other creative and cultural sectors. This will ensure a strong and united voice across the creative industries will be heard by Government at this critical time.

Referendum Response Meetings hosted by CIF have been held nationwide this month and DBA representatives from both the management team and from our membership have been attending these events, to ensure the design industry perspective is well represented. Survey responses, alongside the issues tabled at these meetings, will feed into the development of a Brexit Action Plan and into meetings taking place in August to define further activity, on which we will keep you posted.

DBA and Associated Parliamentary Design and Innovation GroupAll-Party Parliamentary Design and Innovation Group logo

Highly productive meetings have also been held with APDIG – the body that provides a forum for open debate between parliament and the UK’s design and innovation communities – to establish how we can most effectively work together over coming months and years to represent the interests of the design industry to Government, as the UK negotiates its exit from the EU.

In the meantime, if you or someone on your team would like to be more involved with the advocacy work the DBA is convening over the coming months – this could involve representing the DBA at working groups or meetings, or simply being on hand for opinion and views – then please email We’d welcome your support.

Image credits: © Freepod Policy Connect