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You’ve delivered some great work in 2023, but don’t rest on past glories. An early reveal from the ‘2024 What Clients Think’ report* shows 59% of clients want something different from their agency next year, related to particular challenges they’re facing. Never sit back – keep asking questions.
In 2024, how can the creative industries remain resilient in the face of AI’s rise? And how can regulation keep pace with the transformative nature of the tools and capabilities? Will it change your business for the better or threaten it? How will you respond?
Your company’s story matters. It’s what you tell clients when selling to them, what you talk to talent about when recruiting them, what you tell investors when getting investment or exiting. Decisions you make now impact on your story later. Make it count!
Believe. Be Bold. Aim High. Transform More. Tinker Less. Find Purpose. Follow Passion. Do What Matters. Say No More. Challenge Things. Break Things. Create Better Things. Have Principles. Pay For Them. Inspire People. Support Communities. Learn More. Fear Less. Grow Your Own Way. Commit. A Better World Beckons.
For decades design was a driver of economic growth and over-consumption, hence an instrumental contributor to climate change and depletion of natural resources, but just like design can be part of the problem, it can be an equally powerful part of the solution. Your choice.
Stopping and starting marketing and new business activity is why pipelines falter. If this was you, try rethinking your objectives and strategy then plan your activity. If your strategy is right, you’ll have the confidence to implement it, if the plan is right, you’ll have the resource to stick to it.
This isn’t the time to throw in the towel on your agency’s human-led creativity. Embrace AI tools to achieve results, drive ideation and then allow your human creativity to shine alongside. This is the holy grail which will distinguish businesses of the past from those of the future.
Delegation is essential to business and professional growth, developing skills and assets, and building team engagement, motivation, shared purpose, trust and accountability. It frees you to work on the business not just in it, supporting future-proofing and helping to get stuff done quicker. How well do you delegate?
Having caught a glimpse of Ridley Scott’s beautiful hand drawn storyboards for Napoleon, it really inspired me! In these days of ever more dominant tech – and the new reality of AI – how and where does human brain/hand craft fit and perform relevantly (and efficiently) in the current design agency world?
A general election will be called in 2024 – how would you rebrand the major parties to improve their chances, or perhaps reflect the reality of their policies?
Today, business prioritises speed over quality, efficiency over effectiveness, “the now” over longer-term impact – amplified by a preference for flexible/WFH. It is easy to shortcut proper insights and inspiration and this can also be true of connection with colleagues. Get out there! See people face-to-face. Advocate for those you serve.
How are you designing products to be repaired, rather than thrown away for a minor fault? In 2024, let’s embrace design practices which support ease of disassembly and accessible, affordable repairs.
Success in communication involves precise tailoring, and that means really understanding each audience. Example? Take a look at this video ad from The Beefy Boys, Hereford’s artisanal burger entrepreneurs-with-attitude. Make sure you watch right to the end. Merry Christmas!
The way to get somebody to do something well is to make them want to do it. As Henry Ford said: “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to see the other person’s point of view as well as your own”.
We all know the importance of an engaged and motivated team so make sure you find some time to reset after the festive break to gather their feedback and make your agency even better. As a leader you don’t always have to be the one with all the answers…
DBA Experts are accredited expert consultants who have sustained and relevant experience in supporting the design industry. Browse the Register of Experts and get in touch >
* A new statistic from Up to the Light’s 2024 ‘What Clients Think’ report which will be published in March.
There was much, much more covered in the hour – you really had to be there. Do make sure you join us in our next DBA Members’ Forum on Monday 15 January at 4pm GMT, look out for an email from me in a few weeks with more details. If you would like to attend, get in touch here.
We’ve captured the conversation highlights from the all the Members’ Forums which have taken place in 2023 and they can all be found here.
Members’ Forums are monthly online meetings for senior leaders at DBA member businesses.
Not yet a member? Join the DBA community to share, inspire and learn from your peers in the design industry. Be part of your representative body, owned by the members and working for the members, as we support you in the running of your business. Find out more about DBA membership here.